Emotion Group Meetings

The Emotion Group is an activity for the trainees appointed to the Training Program in Emotion Research.  If you would like to be added or removed from the email announcement list, please contact us at emotiont32grant@bi.wisc.edu. To view past Emotion Group schedules, visit the Emotion Group Archives.

Schedule of Emotion Group Meetings for 2024-2025

Friday, September 13th, 11:30 am-12:30 pm

Discussion Leader: Stephanie Ward

Topic: Conceptualizing Emotions: Fundamental Questions for Affective Scientists

Article: Stephanie has selected the following historical review paper. The discussion will revolve around foundational theoretical perspectives and their implications for how we understand and empirically investigate the experience and expression of emotions.

Ekman, P. (1992). An argument for basic emotionsCognition and Emotion, 6(3-4), 169-200. https://doi.org/10.1080/02699939208411068

Meeting location (hybrid):

In person: Room 124 Kennedy Building, 625 W. Washington Ave. (The room is across from the reception desk.)

Meeting link: Zoom

Friday, October 11th, 11:30 am-12:30 pm

Discussion Leader: Estelle Higgins

Topic: Constructing Emotion: Physiology, Cognition, and the Brain

Articles: These two papers represent milestones in constructionist approaches to understanding emotion. Our discussion will consider how this perspective has evolved, shaping scientific study, clinical application, and everyday understandings of emotion.

Schachter, S., Singer, J. (1962). Cognitive, social, and physiological determinants of emotional state. Psychological Review, 69 (5), 379 – 399. 

Barrett, L. (2017). The theory of constructed emotion: an active inference account of interoception and categorization. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 12(1), 1-23. https://doi.org/10.1093/scan/nsw154 

Meeting location (hybrid):

In person: Room 124 Kennedy Building, 625 W. Washington Ave. (The room is across from the reception desk.)

Meeting link: Zoom

Friday, November 22nd, 11:30 am-12:30 pm

Discussion Leader: Dr. Hadley Rahrig

Topic: The Biological Embedding of Racism-Related Affective Stress


Background Reading:

Carter, S., Mekawi, Y., Sheikh, I., Sanders, A. S., Packard, G., Harnett, N. G., & Metzger, I. W. (2022). Approaching mental health equity in neuroscience for black women across the lifespan: Biological embedding of racism from black feminist conceptual frameworks. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging7(12), 1235-1241.

Primary Research Article:

Dumornay, N. M., Lebois, L. A., Ressler, K. J., & Harnett, N. G. (2023). Racial disparities in adversity during childhood and the false appearance of race-related differences in brain structure. American Journal of Psychiatry180(2), 127-138.

Meeting location (hybrid):

In person: Room 124 Kennedy Building, 625 W. Washington Ave. (The room is across from the reception desk.)

Meeting link: Zoom

Friday, December 13th 11:30 am-12:30 pm

Discussion Leader: Laura Jett

Topic: A Process Model Perspective on Emotion Beliefs


Main article: 

Ford, B. Q., & Gross, J. J. (2019). Why beliefs about emotion matter: An emotion regulation perspectiveCurrent Directions in Psychological Science28(1), 74–81. https://doi.org/10.1177/0963721418806697

Historical/background reading (optional): 
Gross, J. J. (1998). The emerging field of emotion regulation: An integrative review. Review of General Psychology2(3), 271–299. Https://doi.org/10.1037/1089-2680.2.3.271

Meeting location (hybrid):

In person: Room 124 Kennedy Building, 625 W. Washington Ave. (The room is across from the reception desk.)

Meeting link: Zoom

Friday, January 24th 11:30 am-12:30 pm

Discussion Leader: Caroline Swords

Topic: Consequences, causes, mechanisms and treatment of rumination

Articles: First paper (Nolen-Hoeksema, 1999) explores social (strain) and cognitive factors (rumination) contributing to the gender gap in depression. I chose this study for its historical significance in rumination research and its relevance 25 years later. The second paper (Watkins & Roberts, 2020) reviews recent advancements in rumination research since Dr. Nolen-Hoeksema’s work ignited this line of inquiry in the early 1990s.

Nolen-Hoeksema, S., Larson, J., & Grayson, C. (1999). Explaining the gender difference in depressive symptoms. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 77(5), 1061-1072. https://doi.org/10.1037/0022-3514.77.5.1061 

Watkins, E. R. & Henrietta, R. (2020). Reflecting on rumination: Consequences, causes, mechanisms and treatment of rumination. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 127, 103573, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.brat.2020.103573 

Meeting location (hybrid):

In person: Room 124 Kennedy Building, 625 W. Washington Ave. (The room is across from the reception desk.)

Meeting link: Zoom

Friday, February 28th 11:30 am-12:30 pm

Discussion Leader: Hannah Kramer

Topic: TBD

Article: TBD


Meeting location (hybrid):

In person: Room 124 Kennedy Building, 625 W. Washington Ave. (The room is across from the reception desk.)

Meeting link: Zoom

Friday, March 21st 11:30 am-1 pm

Special Event: Elevator-Talk and Roundtable

Agenda: to come

Meeting location (hybrid):

In person: Room 124 Kennedy Building, 625 W. Washington Ave. (The room is across from the reception desk.)

Meeting link: Zoom

Questions, comments, or concerns can be sent to Jane Lambert at emotiont32grant@bi.wisc.edu.