Stephanie Ward
Credentials: Pre-Doctoral Trainee
- Stephanie B. Ward
- Preventing Intrapersonal Violence and Overcoming Trauma
- The Journal of Sex Research
- Sexual Victimization, Emotion Dysregulation, and Sexual Consent Feelings and Communication During a Recent Sexual Encounter
- The Journal of Sex Research
- “I Didn’t Realize How Common it Was:” A Mixed-Methods Study Examining Changes in Perceptions of Sexual Assault, Sex and Consent, and Sexual Behavior as a Function of the #Metoo Movement
- JMIR Mhealth Uhealth
- Acceptability of Personal Sensing Among People With Alcohol Use Disorder: Observational Study
- X (Twitter)
- Stephanie B. Ward
- Research Gate
- Stephanie B. Ward
- Stephanie B. Ward
Stephanie’s research aims to reduce sexual violence and its negative sequelae via a deeper understanding of sexual consent and substance use behaviors. In pursuit of this goal, she integrates quantitative, qualitative, and experiencing sampling methods to investigate how risk factors spanning multiple ecological levels shape consent dynamics and patterns of alcohol consumption, thereby heightening the risk for sexual violence.
Faculty Mentor: Kate Walsh